Accessibility with Lumio
Inclusive classrooms from the ground up
Designed for equal access, Lumio offers tools and opportunities for all students, no matter how they think and learn.
How Lumio worksRequest a quoteRemoving barriers, so everyone can learn
How Lumio supports inclusion
Ready-mades and templates

Multi-modal activities
Provide students agency in expression with options to select text, images or draw with the pen tool.

Digital manipulatives
Help students physically demonstrate learning using digital manipulatives, without relying on writing or speech.

Flexible lesson pacing and practise
Support self-regulated learning with a variety of game-based activities and toggling between student and teacher pacing to support learners as needed.

Multiple options for collaborative work
Allow students to move in and out of collaborative group work, repeat practise activities, get teacher and peer feedback and review learning content as often as needed, at a pace that works for them.
Lumio features
Hands-on for everyone
Designing an inclusive classroom benefits all learners. Our features are designed with all students in mind, so you can spend less time prepping and more time connecting.
Immersive reader
Provide text-to-speech, translation, contrast and other text accessibility and literacy support tools.
Instructional audio
Enhance learning and support students with the option to include audio instructions.
Lesson pacing
Choose between synchronous instruction to focus students when needed and asynchronous student-driven practise.
Hands-on learning experiences at every students’ fingertips, wherever they are.
Fonts and backgrounds
Increase text readability with OpenDyslexic font as well as a selection of sans serifs fonts and customisable background colours, available for teachers and students.
Personalised view
Students can independently adjust the zoom level of any page to focus on specific details or enlarge content.
“Lumio is the best tool I have found to promote digital inclusion, period. I have seen it empower students with diverse learning profiles through its engagement tools and accessible features.
Give every student a voice with Lumio
We do not just make learning accessible, we make it fun and engaging for students and teachers. Interested in learning more? We would love to support your students.
Frequently asked questions
How can teachers use Lumio to help all students learn?
Lumio makes it easy for teachers to teach the same lesson to all students, simply adjusting how students engage based on their needs.
Lumio uniquely allows the transition between teacher and student pacing as well as allowing students to move back and forth through a lesson, allowing students to work at the pace best suited to their needs.
How does Lumio make my lesson interactive?Lumio provides teachers an opportunity to create an interactive journey filled with activities, games, group workspaces, formative assessments and more, all from a single place.
What lessons are accessible to all students?
We have a variety of resources available for teachers to use that can easily be modified to meet student needs.
To try them out, explore the Lumio Library!