Fostering Innovation And Creativity In Further Education

Ayrshire College, Scotland

Just as the students at Scotland’s Ayrshire College need education and support to reach their true potential, teachers there rely on in-depth training to maximise the power of SMART hardware and software in their classrooms.

"The best way to foster innovation and creativity in day-to-day learning and teaching is to provide staff with basically three things: the right tools, the right training and the right support to promote innovation."

Ayrshire College is a further education institution with three main campuses, each about an hour southwest of Glasgow. The college offers an impressive array of career preparation courses for its 14,000 adult students, in everything from early childhood to hospitality and tourism, sports performance and STEM subjects.

Upgraded classrooms boast new SMART Board® 6065 interactive displays and SMART Learning Suite software so teachers can create truly interactive, engaging lessons. It’s changing the way instructors teach, and the way Ayrshire students learn.

"I think being able to use SMART software has been a massive step forward from the old traditional way of doing things," says Joe Munroe, a lecturer at Ayrshire who regularly incorporates interactive SMART quizzes and activities into his health and social care lessons.