Unlocking Bright Futures: All Hallows Prep School Transforms Learning with Lumio and SMART Board GX

One hour. That’s the amount of time that teachers at All Hallows Prep School in Somerset, UK, have saved each day with the help of EdTech.

The school prides itself on fostering an inclusive and vibrant educational environment. Here, teachers and students embark on a journey of discovery. Led by Dr. Trevor Richards, Head of All Hallows, traditional teaching methods seamlessly intertwine with cutting-edge classroom technology.

Dr. Richards empowered the school to embrace innovation with open arms as they recognised the pivotal role of technology in shaping the future. The recent integration of Google as their workplace environment marked a significant step towards a more technologically-driven pedagogy. And with seamless integrations between Google and SMART Solutions, the adoption of Lumio and the SMART Board GX Display truly revolutionised the learning experience; saving teachers time and engaging students.