SMART Boards trial enhances wellbeing of seniors in Port Macquarie elderly care home

A senior from Port Macquarie elderly care facility taking part in an interactive activity on a SMART Board.

A Port Macquarie elderly care home has become the newest location for SMART Technologies' worldwide trial, harnessing the power of interactive technology to enhance the wellbeing of its senior residents. This initiative began with the installation of SMART Boards in elderly care homes, equipped with an array of tools designed to improve cognitive and physical health.

The primary focus of this trial is to foster engagement and stimulate cognitive thinking among the elderly. With more than 85% of Garden Village residents living with dementia, this initiative promises to be a game-changer.

The SMART Boards are being used in a variety of applications by tailoring activities and experiences that specifically cater to the unique needs of seniors. The trial aims to significantly enhance the quality of life for the seniors, helping them maintain their cognitive abilities and overall wellbeing.

The installation of SMART Boards is a significant step forward in the field of elderly care. It allows seniors to access an extensive library of tools and applications that cater to a wide range of interests and requirements. From brain-stimulating puzzles and memory-boosting games to virtual travel experiences and interactive art sessions, the SMART Boards offer endless possibilities to enrich the lives of the elderly residents.

Stay tuned for updates on how technology is changing the lives of seniors in Port Macquarie and transforming elderly care practices across the globe. To learn more about this exciting development, you can watch the news item on NBN News Australia.