Starting With A New Group Of Students
Over the last year, I learned how to use Lumio by SMART, Google Classroom, and the SMART Document Camera. This year, I am starting with a whole new group of students, connecting with parents, and increasing my use of technology both in the classroom and at home.
We have many Roma students at my school that do not fully understand the Serbian language that I teach in. The technology that I use helps me connect with them through interactive and interesting activities, keeping their focus on the lesson and building up their understanding of the language. In this way, I am also able to connect with parents and families who hear about the exciting things their students are learning with the support of classroom technology. This makes me a very popular teacher in our town!
My goal is always to build mutual trust and respect so that together, we create the best possible learning conditions for the children.
Advice For The New School Year
My advice to colleagues is to be patient in working with the new generation and to make school as interesting as possible to them. If school is interesting, students will be motivated to work and learn. I specifically recommend that teachers use elements like music to connect different subjects in their lessons and make learning experiences more memorable.